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Accessibility Statement

This page outlines the accessibility decisions we have made in creating the site, as well as the known issues we have not yet been able to fix.

1. Visual design

We've designed the site with the following considerations in mind:

  1. All text is a larger than standard text size to accommodate users of different needs, and users accross a range of devises.

  2. Colours meet AA colour contrast standards

  3. We have kept line length short to improve readability

  4. Interactive elements like the navigation menu use underlines to indicate changes, rather than just a colour change.

  5. All images on the website that are non-decorative use alternative image descriptions to describe their content for non-sighted users

2. Responsivity

The site has been built to work across breakpoints from large desktop screens to small and medium mobile device screen sizes.

3. Screen reader & keyboard navigation support

The site uses header tags to allow screen reader users to more easily navigate to different sections on the site.

For keyboard users, the site's elements are all keyboard focusable and are able to be accessed with the use of the keyboard only.

4. Known issues

There are several accessibility issues on the site that are primarily as a result of using Wix to build the site.

  1. It is not currently possible to add a skip navigation link to the website

  2. The navigation has some usability issues for keyboard users when they tab through the menu, where they must tab through extra items

  3. The "Main" landmark on the site is currently not functional, however the navigation landmark and the content info landmark are currently in place

  4. The DOM order for keyboard users is not always in the correct order, and on some pages, skips around near the end of pages

  5. Buttons like "learn more" do not have descriptive ARIA labels

These issues are a result of using a beta version of the Wix site builder (Editor X) that has yet to add these features, but has many other advantages in terms of responsive design and greater usability.

5. Contact us

If you require assistance to access any part of the site, or the content on the site, please contact us via email at or phone at 647-725-9703 Ext. 0

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